
The Chorale is open to adult singers (beginning with sophomores in high school).  Selection is through an audition process on the basis of:

  1. Musical ability

  2. Experience

  3. Openings available

Auditions are held during August and December and at other times of the year by special arrangement. The Chorale’s membership is limited to approximately 85 and proportioned so there is a balance among sections. Call any time during the year if you are interested in becoming a member.  Current members are not asked to re-audition unless they leave the group for an extended time.

Learn more about Auditioning for the Chorale.

Attend a rehearsal

Anyone is welcome to attend a rehearsal.  We rehearse at Memorial Hall in the Rocky River City Hall Complex

at the corner of Wagar and Hilliard on Tuesdays, 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM

Map of City Hall Complex: City Hall Complex